How flexible work arrangements can help you attract new staff

How flexible work arrangements can help you attract new staff

Remote working isn’t the only type of flexible work arrangement you can offer your workers, but it is one that can work well in a variety of businesses. Not only does it give your clients flexibility in accessing your services, it provides you with a new way to attract qualified staff.

Some reasons to consider offering flexible work arrangements:

  • Increased ability to attract and retain qualified staff
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Enhanced job satisfaction
  • Lowered overhead costs
  • Increased accessibility for your patients

With flexible work arrangements, it’s important to still set out job and hourly expectations. You’ll also need to ensure your staff are receiving adequate support and clear communication regarding their role.

Additional things to keep in mind:

  • Customer needs
  • Start-up costs
  • Scheduling to ensure there are no gaps in regular hours
  • Health and safety regulations
  • Workload management

Here are some flexible work arrangements to consider for your business.


1. Flex time

Not all employees can work 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. Some may prefer a schedule that gives them the flexibility to start or end their day earlier so they can meet other demands and obligations. Employees with flex time still work a full day, but their start and end time may be different.

Determine with your staff what start and end times work best for them but still suits your company’s needs. For example, someone who needs earlier days may start at 8:00 and end at 4:00, which may work well for your office, especially if you have other staff who would prefer to start at 10:00 and work until 6:00.

Make sure these hours work for your clients. Chances are, there are clients who would prefer to see you at 8:00 am or after their workday ends, but you don’t have to allow an employee to come in at 5:00 am just because it works better for them. Only agree to hours that your clients will benefit from.


2. Compressed work week

Some employees may want to work longer shifts so they can have a day or two off every so often. You can allow your team members to start earlier or finish later and bank that time for days off.

For example, some people might want to work 10 hours a day in exchange for an additional day off a week. Others might work an extra hour a day so they can take a long weekend every other week.

In either case, your employees will benefit from having more control over their schedule and the ability to take time off. Meanwhile, your clients will benefit from your office being open longer hours, giving them more flexibility in appointment hours. You’ll benefit from increased employee and client satisfaction.


3. Remote work

Take advantage of virtual technology to offer remote services. For example, telehealth makes medical care more accessible to clients—who may have mobility or transportation issues—and enables qualified staff to provide high-quality care remotely.

You may need to check into regulations to ensure security and confidentiality are maintained, but your clients will appreciate the additional accessibility and your staff will appreciate the ability to work from home when necessary.


Final thoughts

Flexible work policies require some research and work to set up, but they’re well worth it. Qualified staff will appreciate that they have more control over their job and can retain a sense of work-life balance, rather than constantly having to choose between their personal and professional life. They may even prefer flexible hours to increased salaries, which can help you keep some costs down.

At King Business Solutions, we understand the unique challenges that business owners face in their accounting and bookkeeping. We help clients manage their finances and make informed decisions to grow their business. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation for your practice.

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